The Way to Remove Discoloration After Stripping Furniture

After stripping the old finish off wood furniture you will see a discoloration which remains on it. This is brought on by old wood stain that’s deep inside the grain where the stripping agent was unable to penetrate. Even sanding doesn’t always get rid of this discoloration, since the grooves are occasionally very deep. To remove the discoloration, then bleach the wood using a strong substance that seeps into the grain and also eliminates the color.

Transfer the furniture piece to an outdoor place and set it on top of a plastic sheeting. Don’t put it onto a surface which may be damaged by the whitening liquid.

Wear protective clothing, rubber gloves and safety glasses since the bleaching agent is a mild acid which can injure you.

Fill out a large plastic bucket with 1 gallon of warm water and then add 11 to 16 oz. Of oxalic acid crystals, which are available at home improvement stores. Stir the mixture with a paint stirrer or a different nonmetal object until the crystals dissolve.

Insert a paintbrush into the mix and then paint the whitening agent on the furniture until it’s saturated. It’s nice if the alternative pops in addition to the furniture.

Enable the acid solution to sit for approximately 15 minutes, checking the wood periodically to determine if the appropriate bleaching level has been achieved.

Fill out a clean bucket with 1 gallon of warm water and 3 ounces. Of powdered borax. Mix the solution well and pour it over all surfaces of the furniture to neutralize the acidity.

Rinse the wood thoroughly using a garden hose to eliminate all traces of the acid mix. Blot up most of the moisture with a towel and put the furniture in the sun to finish drying. After the wood has dried completely, smooth the surfaces using a palm sander and fine-grit sandpaper in accordance with your tastes. Use a rotary instrument with sanding fittings for detailed areas or interior corners and edges.

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